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Ms. Emilie Addison

Intermediate School
3rd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x127

Ms. Kelly Addison

High School
Clerical Aide/Ahnapee Regional Assistant YA Coordinator
(920) 845-2336 x460

Ms. Katie Agamaite

Primary School
Kindergarten Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x265

Ms. Sherri Alexander

Middle School
Administrative Secretary
(920) 845-9525 x302

Ms. Shannon Alsteen

Primary School
2nd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x216

Mr. Tory Annoye

Intermediate School
3rd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x119


Ms. Erica Baeten

Intermediate School
6th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x162

Mr. Tim Bahn

Middle School
Band / Vocal Music Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x307

Ms. Stacey Baird

Intermediate School
Band Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x140

Ms. Jennifer Balma

High School
Science Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x430

Mr. Greg Balza

Primary/Intermediate School
Math Interventionist
(920) 845-2371 x128

Ms. Leila Balza

Intermediate School
4th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x141

Ms. Jenny Bandow

High School
Dean of Students
District Athletic Director
(920) 845-2336 x419

Mr. Wilder Benites-Arcibia

Middle School
El Spanish Bilingual Translator/Interpreter
(920) 845-9525

Ms. Jennifer Beno

Intermediate School
5th Grade Teacher
(920)845-2371 x171

Ms. Stephanie Beyer

Primary Teacher
2nd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x264

Ms. Gretchen Bink

District Registrar
(920) 845-2371 x176

Ms. Tracy Bins

High School
Business & Personal Finance Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x424

Mr. Jesse Blohowiak

Head Groundskeeper
(920) 845-2336 x170

Mr. Jason Boldt

Primary School
(920) 845-2371 x206

Ms. Emily Borkenhagen

Intermediate School
5th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x115

Ms. Brenda Borths

High School
Food Services

Mr. Scott Boulanger

Bus Mechanic
(920) 845-2391 x168

Ms. Kelsey Brown

Intermediate School
4th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x151

Ms. Alicia Brunette

Middle School
8th Grade Math Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x312

Mr. Jacob Burt

High School
Auto Shop Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x471


Mr. Todd Chandler

Middle School
(920) 845-9525 x301

Ms. Reba Charles

Intermediate School
Part-Time Playground Aide
920) 845-2371

Ms. Dulce Chavez

Primary School
Translation Aide / EL Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x253

Ms. Morgan Cherney

High School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x412

Ms. Tracy Cherney

High School
Math Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x416

Ms. Darcy Cisneros

Middle School
Study Hall Supervisor
(920) 845-9525

Ms. Patty Clancy

Intermediate School
Reading Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x154

Ms. Amber Connor

High School
Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x413

Ms. Amy Cornette

Intermediate School
Administrative Secretary
(920) 845-2371 x105

Ms. Chelsea Curley

Intermediate School
4th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x139

Ms. Melissa Czech

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315 x256


Ms. Kelly Dahlke

Intermediate School
3rd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x138

Ms. Jill Dalebroux

Intermediate School
Library Aide
(920) 845-2371 x116

Ms. Ruth Dalebroux

High School
English Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x427

Ms. Cyndi Dart

High School
Study Hall Supervisor
Office Aide
(920) 845-2336 x484

Ms. Tiffany Dart

Primary School
4K Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x229

Ms. Brittnie Davister

Primary School
2nd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x236

Ms. Wendy Day

Intermediate School
6th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x150

Ms. Heidi DeGrave

Primary School
4K Aide
(920) 845-2315 x229

Ms. Jacklyn DeGrave

Primary School
Instructional Aide
(920) 845-2315 x230

Ms. Meredith Delain

High/Middle School
Technical Education Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x321

Ms, Alyssa Delebreau

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315 x249

Mr. DJ Delebreau

Middle School
Science Teacher (7th grade)
(920) 845-9525 x328

Ms. Tonia Delebreau

Primary School
Library Aide
(920) 845-2315 x230

Ms. Katie DeMeuse

Intermediate School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2371

Ms. Ann Deprey

Primary School
Speech/Language Pathologist
(920) 845-2315 x225

Ms. Heather Derenne

Primary School
Reading Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x209

Ms. Dawn Derricks

(920) 845-5982 x102

Mr. Aaron Destiche

High School
Science Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x478

Ms. Rhonda Detampel

High School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2336 x339

Ms. Shannon DeVillers

Intermediate School
Evening Custodian
(920) 845-2371 x107

Ms. Rebecca Dobbe

Director of Business Services
(920) 845-5982 x173

Ms. Laure Doperalski

Primary School
(920) 845-2315 x206

Ms. Jenna Dorner

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315

Ms. Rachel Dorner

Primary School
Language/Speech Pathologist
(920) 845-2315 x247

Ms. Nia Dubois

High School
Liaison Officer
(920) 845-2336 x418


Mr. Andreau Enderby

High School
Social Studies Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x431

Ms. Gina Enderby

RN Care Team Leader
(920) 845-2336 x483

Ms. Jenny Englebert

Middle School
Study Hall Supervisor
(920) 845-9525


Mr. Lance Fabry

High School
Physical Education Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x453

Dr. Jo-Ellen Fairbanks-Schutz PH.D

(920) 845-9391 x103

Mr. Don Fameree

Middle School/Casco Career Academy
Head Custodian
(920) 845-9525 x304

Mrs. Susan Fameree

High/Middle School
Food Services
(920) 845-2336

Ms. Heather Fameree-Whipp

Middle School
(920) 845-9525 x304

Ms. Pamela Fierst

Middle School
Language Arts Teacher (7th Grade)
(920) 845-9525 x336

Ms. Valerie Fischer

Primary School
1st Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x211

Mr. Jeff Frey

Middle School
Social Studies Teacher (8th grade)
(920) 845-9525 x329

Ms. Sara Frey

Primary School
Kindergarten Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x243

Ms. Patty Frye

High/Middle School
Food Services

Ms. Dasha Fuge

High/Middle School
Library Aide
(920) 845-9525


Ms. Danielle Garceau

Intermediate School
School Counselor
(920) 845-2371 x106

Ms. Barb Giachino

Intermediate School
Library Media Specialist
(920) 845-2371 x146

Ms. Jill Gilson

High School
English Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x428

Ms. Rebecca Graf

Primary School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x226


Ms. Jennifer Hadzima

Human Resources, Payroll, Benefits Coordinator
(920) 845-2391 x101

Mr. Carl Hanson

High School
Math Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x429

Ms. Dawn Hanson

Intermediate School
6th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x153

Mr. Trevor Hawkey

Intermediate School
5th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x161

Mr. Steve Hedke

High School
Head Custodian
(920) 845-2336 x407

Mr. Jacob Helgeson

High School
Math Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x410

Ms. Jolyn Helgeson

High School
Youth Apprenticeship School Based Coach
(920) 845-2336

Ms. Whitney Herman

Intermediate School
Reading Interventionist
(920) 845-2371 x121

Ms. Tammy Hermans

Primary School
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
(920) 845-2315

Ms. Jennifer Hetrick

Primary/Intermediate School
Certified Medical Assistant
(920) 845-2371 x113

Mr. Thomas Hintz

High School
Science Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x455

Mr. Norm Hippert

High School
Technology Education Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x447

Ms. Jessica Hoiska

Middle School
School Counselor
(920) 845-9525 x303

Ms. Lynn Holschuh

Middle School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-9525 x312

Ms. Laura Hooker

Primary School
Translation Aide / EL Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x.207

Ms. Kristine Horst

Primary School
4K Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x241



Ms. Wendy Jacobs

Middle School
Language Arts Teacher (7th grade)
(920) 845-9525 x340

Ms. Amanda Jadin

Intermediate School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x132

Mr. Kaleb Jakubiec

Intermediate School
(920) 845-2371

Ms. Kate Jandrin

Intermediate School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x165

Ms. Stacey Jauquet

Primary School
Reading Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x250

Ms. Kristin Jerome

Primary School
Head Cook
(920) 845-2315 x.221

Mr. George Jimenez

Middle School
Spanish Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x334

Ms. Linda Joniaux

Intermediate School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2371 x132

Mr. Terry Jorgensen

High School
Physical Education Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x437


Ms. Kari Kaiser

Primary School
1st Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x234

Ms. Rochea Karnz

Middle School
(920) 845-9525 x304

Ms. Amanda Keskinen

High School
Spanish Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x421

Ms. Angie King

Primary School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x249

Ms. Anita Kinnard

High School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2336 x486

Ms. Chantel Kinnard

High School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2336

Ms. Jennifer Kinnard

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315 x220

Ms. Jodi Kinnard

Intermediate School
EL Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x207

Ms. Michelle Kinnard

Intermediate School
6th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x143

Ms. Gwen Klass

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315 x256

Ms. Christina Klaubauf

Primary School
1st Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x239

Mr. Greg Klaubauf

Intermediate School
4th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x145

Mr. Pete Kline

Primary School
(920) 845-2315 x201

Ms. Katie Kolstad

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315 x262

Ms. Cate Kopkey

Intermediate School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2371 x148

Ms. Denice Koss

Intermediate School
Technology Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x108

Ms. Katie Kostreva

Program Support Teacher
(920) 845-5549 x502

Ms. Katie Kulhanek

High School
Biology Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x461

Mr. Jerrell Kurowski

District Community Health Worker
(920) 845-5549 x505
(920) 655-3496


Ms. Mary LaCrosse

Primary School
Administrative Aide
(920) 845-2315 x254

Mr. Kevin Lampe

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315 x270

Ms. Paula Larsen

Primary School
Kindergarten Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x235

Ms. Holly Lawonn

Primary School
4K Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x220

Ms. Amanda Leao

Middle School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x342

Ms. Rachel LeCaptain

High School
Food Services

Ms. Jennifer LeCloux

Intermediate School
Special Education Para

Ms. Anne Lee

Primary School
Spanish Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x222

Ms. Sandy LeFevre

High School
Food Services

Ms. Molly LeGrave

Primary School
Kindergarten Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x251

Mr. Lee LeLou

Primary School
Head Custodian
(920) 845-2315 x206

Ms. Autumn Lensmire

Primary School
Kindergarten Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x232

Ms. Nikki Lenss

Intermediate School
Gifted & Talented Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x163

Ms. Tina LeRoy

High School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2336 x491

Ms. Megan Loberger

Intermediate School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x

Ms. Katie Ludolph

School Psychologist
(920) 845-5549 x503

Mr. David Luckey

Network/Hardware Support Specialist
(920)845-2371 x474

Mr. Duane Lundwall

High School
Diesel Program Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x493


Mr. Brian Massart

High School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2336 x412

Ms. Debbie Massart

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315

Ms. Jane Mathes

Diretor of Student Services/Special Education
(920) 845-5549 x504

Ms. Heather Matz

Primary School
Playground Aide
(920) 845-2315

Ms. Michelle Maxfield

Primary School
Physical Therapist
(920) 845-2315 x228

Mr. John McCaulley

Middle School
Art Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x

Mr. Dan Mears

Middle School
Social Studies Teacher (7th grade)
(920) 845-9525 x316

Ms. Margaret Meder

High School
Choir Director
(920) 845-2336 x434

Ms. Amy Megna

Primary School
Music Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x242

Mr. Chris Menden

High School
Physical Education & Health Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x457

Ms. Wendy Miller

Intermediate School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2371

Ms. Heather Mleziva

Intermediate School
(920) 845-2371 x104

Mr. Rod Mleziva

High School
Technology Education Assistant
(920) 845-2336

Ms. Sadie Mleziva

Intermediate School
Speech/Language Pathologist
(920) 845-2371 x131

Ms. Sarah Monfils

High/Middle School
Library Media Specialist
(920) 845-2336 x333

Ms. Cynthia Moreau

High School
Weekend Custodian
(920) 845-2336

Mr. James Moss

High School
Physics & Math Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x425

Ms. Nicole Mottl

Primary School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x224

Ms. Connie Mrotek

Middle School
(920) 845-9525


Ms. Lisa Naze

Intermediate School
3rd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x167

Ms. Laura Neher

Middle School
Language Arts Teacher (7th Grade)
(920) 845-9525 x335

Ms. Kathy Nelson

Intermediate School
3rd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x144

Ms. Grace Nissen

Intermediate School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2371

Mr. Dan Norton

Middle School
Science Teacher (8th grade)
(920) 845-9525 x331


Ms. Shea O'Brien

Intermediate School
Spanish Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x125

Mr. Dan Opicka

Bus Mechanic
(920) 845-2391 x168

Ms. Nelly Otradovec

Intermediate School
EL Aide
(920) 845-2371 x124

Ms. Amanda Oudenhoven

Intermediate School
Special Education Teacher
(920)845-2371 x179

Ms. Amy Oysti

Primary School
Administrative Assistant
(920) 845-2315 x202


Ms. Jami Palubicki

High School
(920) 845-2336 x432

Ms. Karen Pantzlaff

Primary School
Library Media Specialist
(920) 845-2315 x237

Ms. Sue Parker

Intermediate School
Occupational Therapist
(920)845-2371 x169

Ms. Linda Pelischek

Primary School
1st Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x238

Ms. Cindy Peot

Primary School
Kindergarten Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x213

Ms. Shelly Piesler

Middle School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x315

Mr. Clint Piper

High School
Band Director
(920) 845-2336 x423

Ms. Renee Piper

Middle School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-9525

Mr. Kevin Ploof

High School
(920) 845-2336

Mr. Todd Pociask

Intermediate School
Art Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x156

Ms. Deb Pockl

School Nutrition Coordinator
(920) 845-2336 x123



Ms. Lisa Radart

Primary School
Technology Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x214

Mr. Robert Rader

Primary School
(920) 845-2315 x.206

Ms. Stephanie Rader

Primary School
1st Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x231

Ms. Rebecca Rechlicz

Intermediate School
Administrative Assistant
(920)845-2371 x110

Ms. Tracy Remschneider

High School
Computer Science & Math Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x440

Ms. Beth Ronsman

High School
Study Hall Supervisor
(920) 845-2336

Mr. Zachary Roush

Primary School
Art Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x233

Ms. Rebecca Rozz

High School
English Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x436

Ms. Terry Rueckl

Special Education & Student Services Administrative Assistant
(920) 845-5549 x501


Ms. Kelsey Sacotte

Intermediate School
3rd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x157

Ms. Esthefani Santoyo-Saldana

Middle School
EL Translator Aide
(920) 845-9525 

Mr. Ryan Scanlan

Primary School
Physical Education Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x248

Ms. Alicia Schanhofer

High School
Social Studies Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x415

Ms. Kim Schlies

Primary School
Playground Aide
(920) 845-2315

Ms. Kristin Schleis

High School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x426

Mr. Kyle Schleis

High School
Math Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x435

Ms. Mary Schley

Intermediate School
Music Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x155

Ms. Sandra Schley

High School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2336 x.412

Mr. Don Schoen

High School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x449

Mrs. Dana Schopf

Primary School
Liaison Officer
(920) 845-2315 x327

Ms. Lauren Schumacher

High School
Social Studies Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x470

Ms. Christine Scott

Primary School
2nd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x218

Mr. Neil Seering

Intermediate School
Physical Education Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x134

Ms. Sarah Seering

High School
Spanish Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x446

Mr. Jay Seidl

Primary School
1st Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x240

Ms. Justine Selk

High School
Agriculture Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x422

Ms. Sheri Sewell

Middle School
Language Arts Teacher (8th grade)
(920) 845-9525 x332

Ms. Kay Shefchik

Middle School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x323

Ms. Nicole Simonar

High School
English Teacher
(920)845-2336 x451

Mr. William Simonar

High School
Technical Education Teacher
(920)845-2336 x443

Ms. Kathryn Sniff

Intermediate School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x160

Mr. Mike Snowberry

Director of Learning Services
(920) 845-2371 x122

Ms. Randi Snowberry

Primary School
Reading Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x223

Ms. Brittany Solchenberger

Intermediate School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2371

Ms. Jessica Spude

Primary School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x252


Ms. Brittny Talbot

Intermediate School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315

Ms. Amy Tanck

Primary School
2nd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x217

Mrs. Kiley Thayse

Intermediate School
5th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x117

Mr. Kyle Thayse

ELA Coach
Math Interventionist
(920) 845-2371 x147

Ms. Tami Theys

Primary School
Kindergarten Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x245

Mr. Tyler Thrune

Middle School
Math Teacher (8th grade)
(920) 845-9525 x314

Ms. Karen Tineo

Middle School
EL Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x506

Mr. David Tlachac

High School
(920) 845-2336

Mr. Justin Tlachac

Middle School
Physical Education Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x344

Ms. Kim Tlachac

High School
Administrative Secretary
(920) 845-2336 x403

Mr. Tyson Tlachac

High School
(920) 845-2336 x401

Ms. Crystal Trejo

High/Middle School
EL Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x485

Mr. Chas Treml

High School
Social Studies Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x441

Ms. Amanda Tumpach

Intermediate School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2371



Ms. Hannah Van Straten

Intermediate School
5th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x118

Mr. Matt Van Straten

Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x256

Ms. Jacque Vance

Primary School
Occupational Therapist
(920) 845-2371 x.228



Ms. Mary Jo VandeHei

Primary School
2nd Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x246

Ms. Peyton Vandenbush

High School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x404

Ms. Morgan Vandenhouten

Intermediate School
6th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x120

Ms. Debbie VandenPlas

High School
Clerical/Attendance Aide
(920) 845-2336 x406

Mr. Jim Vandenplas

Intermediate School
Head Custodian
(920) 845-2371 x107

Ms. Kim Vandermause

Primary School
4K Classroom Aide
(920) 845-2315 x256

Ms. Kelly VanFrachen

Intermediate School
Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x135

Ms. Angelena Voland

Intermediate School
4th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x130


Ms. Katie Waege

High School
Social Studies & English Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x448

Mr. Scott Waldow

Director of Information Technology
(920) 845-2371 x129

Ms. Pam Walter-Naze

High School
Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant
(920) 845-2336 x402

Ms. Angela Watzka

Intermediate School
Part-Time Playground Aide
(920) 845-2371

Ms. Lisa Webster

Primary School
Special Education Para
(920) 845-2315 x226

Mr. Ross Wegner

High School
Technical Education Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x321

Ms. Sarah Wellens

High/Middle School
FACS Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x433

Ms. Haley Weninger

Intermediate School
4th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x137

Ms. Amy Werner

Intermediate School
5th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x158

Ms. Jackee Wessel

Primary School
4K/Special Education Teacher
(920) 845-2315 x220

Ms. Jessica Wessel

Primary School
School Counselor
(920) 845-2315 x204

Ms. Amy Wiegand

Primary School
Cafeteria Staff
(920) 845-2315 x.221

Mr. Cody Willems

Intermediate School
6th Grade Teacher
(920) 845-2371 x152

Ms. Morgan Willems

Middle School
7th Grade Math Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x325

Ms. Monica Wittrock

High/Middle School
Word Processing/Personal Finance Teacher
(920) 845-9525 x445

Ms. Marya Wolffe

Middle School
Library Aide
(920) 845-9525

Ms. Rebecca Woodbury

High School
Art Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x408

Ms. Emily Wuest

English Teacher
(920) 845-2336 x444




Ms. Michelle Zellner

Middle School
Administrative Aide
(920) 845-9525 x318

Ms. Michelle Zellner

Primary School
Playground Aide
(920) 845-2315